sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013

Hello! Good afternoon Visitors,  My picture of the day has our famous Buñuelos Nicaraguenses,
i wanted to show the world one of the most simple but delicious dessert.
We make them with Yuca which is a veggie, we add dried cheese , this is all blended first and then we fry them in oil, you can pick to fry them in olive oil to make them healthier,
once you fry them , you have to prepare a Honey which you make with sugar & cinnamon,  you have to put the sugar in a pot with water until it becomes thick, also add the cinnamon while boiling the sugar with the water,
the taste is goods, and if you are hungry this Buñuelos will fill you up as well!!!
Hola visitantes, my foto de hoy tiene los famosos Buñuelos Nicaraguenses,
queria mostrarle al mundo , uno de nuestros mas simples postres , pero muy sabrosos,
Los preparamos con Yuca ,  se le agrega queso  seco y ambos se muelen, Deben de ser molidos en maquina moledora de carne.
una vez hecha la masa se frien en aceite, puedes elegir aceite de olivo para hacerlos mas saludables.
quedan tostaditos y blandos por dentro,
luego se prepara una miel hecha de azucar y canela, hast que se ponga espesa,
luego dejas caer la miel sobre el buñuelo.
                                                    Ready to eat!!!
                                                    Listo para comerse!!!
                                                    Let s prepare them at home & let s share our cultures.             
                                                    Have a great weekend!!
                                                    from Jess.

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