Carne Asada Nicaraguense con una super ensalada rica en antioxidantes cooked by Jess |
The Meat must be marinated during 40 minutes, blend cilantro with garlic, sour oranges, (juice) pineapple juice, (natural juice) then put it in the oven with some juice so the result is a juicy grilled filet migñon. The taste is delicious and the flavor is delicious!!
La ensalada es hecha con repollo morado y blanco, tomates manzanos, aceite de olivo, cebollas, pepino, especies de hierbas naturales disecadas.
Grilled Filet Migñon, Salad with purple cabagge & white cabagge, yellow onion, cucumber, dried natural herbs species, cilantro, garlic, sour oranges & tomatoes.
On the side Tostones Nicaraguenses made of green bananas made on olive oil, with some sour cream on top of the beans.
Resultado final! acompañada con un vaso de jugo natural de melon.
Final Result! Natural Cantaloupe Juice , on the side. (you can add brown sugar to your juice)